Accueil 5 Industrie Militaire 5 La Malaisie dans la cours des grands!

La Malaisie dans la cours des grands!


Picture 2 - LIMA '17 Contractor Award CeremonySelon le comité d’organisation des salons LIMA et DSA qui auront lieu en 2017 et 2018 en Malaisie, ces deux événements risquent de faire glisser le centre de gravité de la planète défense du coté d’Asie du Sud-Est au profit de la Malaisie qui compte devenir un acteur incontournable dans le monde.

Le chef d’Etat-Major de l’armée malaisienne, le Général Tan Sri Raja Mohamed Affandi bin Raja Mohamed Noor,,s’est déplacé hier au salon Eurosatory à Paris pour annoncer les dates de lancements officielles des deux manifestations. Le Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition (Lima) aura lieu du 21 au 25 mars 2017, quant à Defense Services Asia, c’est du 16 au 19 avril 2018 qu’elle aura lieu.

Pour rappel, le dernier LIMA a regroupé plus de 1200 exposants de 60 pays alors que le prochain promet de brasser encore plus large.

Vous trouverez plus bas le communiqué officiel du Ministère Malaisien de la Défense



The Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition (LIMA ‘17) and Defence Services Asia Exhibition and Conference (DSA 2018)

Paris, 14 June 2016 – YM General Tan Sri Raja Mohamed Affandi bin Raja Mohamed Noor, Chief of Army Malaysia today announced at the Malaysian Pavillion during the Eurosatory 2016 exhibition, that the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition (LIMA’17) will return for its 14th installation.

Set for 21-25 March 2017, the upcoming LIMA’17 will be held at the Mahsuri International Exhibition Centre (MIEC) for the aerospace exhibition and Resort World Langkawi for the maritime exhibition.

On the other hand, DSA 2016 just concluded 2 months ago on a highly successful note with the participation of 1,200 companies from 60 countries and nations. DSA 2018 will be held from 16 – 19 April 2018 in Kuala Lumpur.

Tan Sri Raja Mohamed Affandi said, “Presenting here today are Malaysia’s upcoming defence shows, LIMA ’17 is a dedicated maritime and aerospace exhibition for defence, civil and commercial applications and DSA 2018 is a dedicated tri-services and security exhibition and conference. Both LIMA ’17 and DSA 2018 comes together under the spirit of 1 Malaysia.”

Held biennially since 1999, LIMA’17 is jointly-organised by the Malaysia Ministry of Defence and EN Projects (M) Sdn Bhd. For further information, please visit the official LIMA website, or email for any exhibition-related queries.

DSA 2018 is organised by DSA Exhibition & Conference Sdn Bhd on biennially basic since 1988. For more information, please visit the official DSA website, or email for further information.




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