Accueil 5 Algérie 5 Air Algérie formera 200 pilotes chez Oxford Aviation Academy

Air Algérie formera 200 pilotes chez Oxford Aviation Academy

CAE Oxford Aviation Academy (CAE OAA) has signed a contract with Air Algérie to train 200 new cadets for the airline over the next four Logo_Air_Algérie.svgyears on an Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) training program. The cadet training will be delivered in Oxford, UK and Phoenix, USA. The first course is scheduled to start in early 2015 with additional courses commencing at four to six month intervals thereafter.

As the global leader in training commercial aviation pilots, CAE offers a full range of training solutions, from cadet training to type-rating, to help solve the shortage of qualified pilots. The industry predicts that as many as 20,000 new pilots will be needed per year over the next 20 years globally to support an average 5% annual growth in passenger travel.

Cadets will be selected jointly by Air Algérie and CAE Oxford Aviation Academy’s assessment centre before they start the ATPL ground theory training phase in Oxford. After the ground school phase, the Air Algérie cadets will start their foundation flight training in Phoenix before returning to Oxford to complete the advanced Instrument Rating, Multi-Crew Co-Operation and Jet Orientation phases.

Communiuqé CAE



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