Home 5 Military Industry 5 ASELSAN: Leading the Way in Advanced Naval Technologies

ASELSAN: Leading the Way in Advanced Naval Technologies

Dedicated to innovation and excellence, ASELSAN, a leading force in naval defense
technologies, shows what latest technology can bring to maritime and naval defense
industry at DIMDEX 2024 taking place from March 4
th – 6th at Doha, Qatar.

The company
is excited to meet and interact once more with sector professionals and to expand its
international partnerships during the show.
With constantly refreshing technologies and up-to-date capacities, ASELSAN aims to fill
the existing gaps in naval capability with its continued focus in this domain. The company
performs as a strategic partner while conducting naval programs ranging from new-build
to modernization, procurement to after sales support services for its users and the
shipbuilders. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies, ASELSAN consistently provides effective
and adaptable solutions tailored to the changing requirements of contemporary naval
operations, thereby reinforcing its position as a key player in the naval sector.
The display of ASELSAN at DIMDEX includes its advanced capabilities in Naval System

Solutions, Military Communication Systems, Remote Controlled Weapon Stations, Electro-
Optics, Guidance Kits, RF Jammers, Radars, and UAV payloads.

“I’m excited about the outcomes of this maritime exhibition, where our team stands ready
to provide expertise and support to our partners, clients, and visitors. Drawing from our
extensive knowledge and diverse experience in cutting-edge projects, we offer
comprehensive solutions, some of which will be highlighted at DIMDEX this year.
Prioritizing the safety of people and the planet, we address threats and challenges to
enhance stability and resilience. We take responsibility for ensuring the safety of
individuals at sea, furthering our mission to safeguard lives and promote security”
mentioned Ahmet AKYOL, President & CEO of ASELSAN.
The company points out its Close-In-Weapon-System GÖKDENİZ being as naval platform
air defense solution, fulfills the operational and tactical level requirements utilizing the
existing technology and know-how of ASELSAN in naval platforms. It can be used in full
autonomous mode for detecting, classifying and tracking the target by its own 3D search
radar and fire control radar along with electro-optic (E/O) sensors in stand-alone system
configuration. With this configuration, the system is fully self-sufficient without the need
of information from the ship that also provides ease of integration.

On the other hand, thanks to its Combat Management System, ASELSAN offers turnkey
combat suite solution by orchestrating variety of its radars, electro-optics, electronic
warfare suites and sonar sensors, weapons/missiles, communications, navigation and
system integration practices to meet the most complex operational requirements of the
combatant navies.
The company aims to produce sustainable solutions with critical capabilities that ensure
every decision-making moment safer, faster and more secure. With its client centric
approach, ASELSAN’s solutions are being successfully used by 86 different countries today
and with its adopted “global to local” business consciousness the company enhance its
presence all over the world day by day.
ASELSAN’s team shares the excitement to present a comprehensive exhibit of advanced
naval solutions and looks forward to welcoming you at Hall-6 Booth 117during DIMDEX.

Esra DOGU, esradogu@aselsan.com.tr
Evrim Ayşen ANIL, evrimanil@aselsan.com.tr



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