Home 5 Algeria (page 3)


Everything you should know about the Russian navy visit to Algeria

A naval detachment belonging on the Russian Black Sea Fleet, made a stopover in Algiers on 23 November 2019. This detachment consisted of three ships, the Admiral Makarov Frigate, the Vasily Bykov missile patrol vessel and tugboat SB-739.

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USA-Algeria cooperation: ICITAP Final Judiciary Forensic Seminar

Press Release In the framework of bilateral cooperation between the government of Algeria, and the United States Department of Justice, International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP), the fifth and final iteration of the ICITAP-sponsored Judicial/Police Forensic Seminars (JPFS) was successfully completed  in cooperation with representatives from the Algerian National Gendarmerie, National Police (DGSN), and Ministry of Justice.

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Boxer IFV in Algeria, a long saga comes true!

Boxer IFV Algérie

During the first week of August 2019 in an Algerian shipyard, a RORO ship arrives at the end of the day and unloads about thirty anonymous containers and two huge armored vehicles hidden under thick khaki tarpaulins. The transport convoy starts immediately after unloading, direction Constantine in the northeast of the country.

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Algerian Air Forces ordered Migs 29 M/M2 during MAKS airshow

The Algerian delegation, led by the Air Force Commander, which visiter MAKS air show that was held a few days ago in Moscow, inked two agreements with the Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport.

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Algeria: MoD creates a missile research and manufacturing center

It was created by a presidential decree published on July 11, the Establishment of technical systems development will be in charge of the development, design, and manufacture of missiles and weapons systems for the benefit of the Algerian army.

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Algeria and Belgium will exchange expertise on EOD

The Belgian Ministry of Defense has been given the green light by the Council of Ministers to exchange expertise with the Algerian army, in the field of mine clearance and the “demilitarization of ammunition” (destruction and neutralization of mines and ammunition ) (EOD).

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Algeria tested the new Pantsir SM in a live fire exercice

Pantir SM

The Algerian army tested the new russian air defense system Pantsir SM during the Exercise “Sakhr 2018” that involved the 36th Motorized Infantry Brigade. The Panstir SM can be seen on the background of the video of this live fire exercice.

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Algeria will recieve BMPT-72 in 2018

We were the firsts in 2013 to reveau that the algerian army was very in the BMPT Terminator Tank to reinforce the firepower of its armored componant. At that time the ANP was testing the armored support vehicle in its testing facility in Hassi Bahbah, South of the capital. A Pravda article published yesterday confirmed the existence of a contract ...

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