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Middle East

The Issues that Turkey struggle with

The recent attack on the airport in Istanbul can be seen as evidence of just how frail security is in Turkey.  The problem is that most analysts will have a knee jerk reaction in stating what the root causes of the tensions that affect the country are. The initial reaction is to focus on the Southeastern Part of the Country. ...

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Self-protection systems for tanks gone live in Syria

As part of analysis of the data from the field, from the war in Syria, to which we will devote a long record in the near future, we wanted to address a critical issue, The self-protection systems for vehicles in Syria. The war in Syria has been a disaster for the armored vehicles division of the Syrian Arab Army who ...

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Could ISIS be forming a New Cell in Central Africa?

by  Scott A Morgan Within the last couple of weeks there have been a couple of stories that have raised the interest of CT Analysts regarding the situation in Central Africa. In late January Rwandan Authorities acting on a tip raided a mosque in Kigali. The raid yielded some interesting news.[1] First the Deputy Imam was actually shot and killed ...

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what are Putin’s options in a decanting middle east?

 In the World poutine chess The ambush against Russian aviation conducted by the Turkish Aviation and Turkmen forces are the visible part of the iceberg. Shaking the plum tree, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, allowed a major settlement between players in the “great game” of the Middle East. Paris attacks helped the various parties to the conflict in Syria and Iraq to ...

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Terrorism in the Horn of Arica: What about Tanzania?

With the resurgence of Al-Shabaab in the Horn of Africa in recent weeks after spectacular attacks in Mogadishu and Garissa in Kenya the easy question to ask is where is the next target. Here is a better question. Why hasn’t Tanzania come under these assaults as well? If the official history is to be believed the last major terrorist incident ...

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New Pictures of Iraqi Mi35

These two pics has been taken in a hangar belonging the Russian Helicopters plant in Rostov Na Dunu in Russia. The Iraqi flag can be seen clearly on these two pictures. The front picture shows the Flir (probably a Sagem) and the missile mounts togather with the S6 Rocket pod. The Blades seems metallic.In November 7 Iraq has recieved a ...

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SD3 Exclusive: First pictures of Iraqi night Havocs

Even tough the information regarding the fact that Iraqi air forces ordered a batch of Mi28 NE from Russia are known and confirmed, since the firsts hints in october 2012. These two pictures, taken in the Rostov on Don plant, shows the paint scheme chosen by the client and gives an outlook on some equipments on the chopper. So far 23 ...

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Cairo will buy a spy satellite from …. Russia

Despite the awkwardness of the timing, it seems that Russia will build and launch a remote sensing spacecraft for Egypt. The spy satellite that will be built by the Russian aerospace manufacturer Energia, will be launched by the end of this year, said a responsible of the space corporation to Interfax agency during MAKS airshow. The panchromatic satellite will have ...

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