Home 5 Middle East 5 Checkmate will be shown at the Dubai Air Show

Checkmate will be shown at the Dubai Air Show

Rostec will show the Checkmate fighter abroad for the first time at Dubai Airshow-2021 Rostec will present a new Russian fifth-generation Checkmate aircraft at the Dubai Airshow-2021 international air show, which will be held from November 14 to 18 in the UAE.

This was announced by a source in the aircraft industry. – Checkmate has attracted great interest abroad, the Emirates is an excellent platform for presenting the aircraft to a wide range of potential partners. It is planned to hold a number of closed presentations for delegations participating in the salon, as well as an open presentation for visitors and media representatives. – said the interlocutor. The light tactical aircraft Checkmate developed by the Sukhoi Company (part of UAC Rostec) is the first fifth-generation single-engine aircraft in Russia, first presented in July 2021 at the MAKS-2021 air show. The key features of the aircraft are its stealth, low cost per flight hour, open architecture and high performance in terms of cost-effectiveness.



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