Home 5 North Africa 5 Egypt to invest 554 million dollars to maintain its american naval vessels

Egypt to invest 554 million dollars to maintain its american naval vessels

The United States (US) has approved Egypt’s request to provide Follow on Technical Support (FOTS) for its naval ships for $554million.

“The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Egypt of Follow-On Technical Support (FOTS) for various ships for an estimated cost of $554 million,” Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) said in a statement Tuesday.

The Government of Egypt has requested a possible sale of Follow on Technical Support (FOTS) that provides for material and labour services in support of Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigates (FFG-7 class ships), Fast Missile Craft (FMC), Mine Hunter Coastal (MHC) ships, Coastal Mine Hunter (CMH) ships, and 25 Meter and 28 Meter Fast Patrol Craft (FPC).

The prime contractor for Engineering Services Support will be VSE Corporation and US Government activities will provide FOTS for Egypt. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale, the statement read.



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