Accueil 5 Moyen-Orient 5 Leonardo expose ses produits Marine au Qatar

Leonardo expose ses produits Marine au Qatar


La frégate FREMM italienne Carabiniere, est en tournée de quatre mois et a choisi comme premier port de halte celui de Doha au Qatar.

Le géant de l’électronique de guerre Leonardo profitte de cette croisière qui emmenera la FREMM jusqu’en Australie pour exposer ses produits déjà opérationnels à bord ou d’autres en exposition.

The Carabiniere Frigate, which is an Anti-Submarine Warfare unit, is equipped with systems designed, produced and integrated by Leonardo. These systems include the Combat Management System (CMS), Radar Sensors and Fire control systems, Electro-optical and Infrared Sensors for tracking functions, Communications Systems and Defence Systems. The Frigate also has on-board the NH90 NFH multi-role helicopter with specific avionics and mission equipment for naval operations produced by Leonardo.

Il faut savoir que Leonardo opère au Qatar depuis plus de 30 ans en fournissant de systèmes de défense navales puis des systèmes de sécurité aérienne dans l’air traffic management (ATM).

Leonardo a fourni l’ensemble des radars primaires et secondaires pour le contrôle aérien de l’aéroport de Doha et de l’espace aérien qatari. Plus de 40 hélicoptères AgustaWestland (AW139 et AW189) sont opérationnels au Qatar et desservent les activités offshore des compagnies pétrolières et gazières, ainsi que des missions de sauvetages.

Leonardo travaille sur le Low Lever Radar System pour l’armée qatarie, ce système basé sur la famille de radars Kronos, augmentera les capacités de la défense aérienne du Qatar.


Leonardo on-board the FREMM Frigate Carabiniere to promote the ‘Italian Solution’

Leonardo is part of the campaign to promote the “Multi-Mission European Frigate” (FREMM), Carabiniere, which departed from La Spezia in Italy on the 20th December 2016. The Carabiniere will be at sea for almost four months, during which time the ship will stop in various countries in the Middle East, South East Asia and Australia.

Leonardo will promote its various Naval Solutions, which are fielded on the Frigate itself and other solutions, which could be of interest in these regions. These cutting- edge capabilities are derived from over 50 years of experience in the design and implementation of Naval mission systems and through managing large and complex programs.

The Carabiniere Frigate, which is an Anti-Submarine Warfare unit, is equipped with systems designed, produced and integrated by Leonardo. These systems include the Combat Management System (CMS), Radar Sensors and Fire control systems, Electro-optical and Infrared Sensors for tracking functions, Communications Systems and Defence Systems.

The Frigate also has onboard the NH90 NFH multi-role helicopter with specific avionics and mission equipment for naval operations produced by Leonardo.

The following equipment is showcased on-board the Carabiniere: the Multi-Function Radar Active (MFRA) Kronos – the main Missile and Air Defence system sensor; the Surface Search Radar RAN-30X; the Navigation Radar with low probability of intercept (LPI) SPN-730; the Secondary Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) phased array interrogator SIR-M5-PA; the Electro-optical Infrared Search and Track (IRST) Silent Acquisition and Surveillance System (SASS); two sets of the multisensors (radar and electro-optical) fire control system NA-25X. The Carabiniere ship has a Leonardo integrated internal and external communications system also providing tactical data link connections based on the Leonardo Multi-Data Link Processor (M-DLP). Other Leonardo products on-board are: two 76/62mm Super Rapid Defense systems using Davide / Dart guided ammunitions for tracking targets; Anti-mine Sonar (Mine Avoidance Sonar); Decoy Launching Systems (DLS) for countermeasures against underwater and aerial threats and the MU90 lightweight Torpedoes Launching System (TLS). Finally, MBDA (consortium including Airbus, BAE Systems and Leonardo) is responsible for the anti-air defence SAAM ESD equipment, based on Aster 15 / Aster 30 missiles, and for the anti-ship system Teseo MK2 / A based on the Teseo missile. The Carabiniere unit is the fourth of the ten ships class planned for the Italy within the FREMM program, which currently forms the backbone of the Italian Navy.

The Italian side of the French-Italian FREMM program is coordinated by the Italian Prime Contractor Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (51% Fincantieri, 49% Leonardo).

Leonardo, in addition to providing technology and advanced naval electronic and defence equipment, is responsible for complete combat system integration activities.



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