Home 5 Military Industry 5 Maintenance center for Russian aircraft opens in Peru

Maintenance center for Russian aircraft opens in Peru

10.12.2018 / Lima

The maintenance and repair center for Russian-made helicopters Helicentro Peru has been launched in Lima at the facilities of the Peruvian Air Force Maintenance Service – SEMAN. Built in partnership with Russian Helicopters (part of Rostec State Corporation), the center will provide maintenance for Mi-type aircraft.

The official opening ceremony was attended by CEO of Russian Helicopters Andrey Boginsky and Chief Commander of the Peruvian Air Force Rodolfo García Esquerre.

The facility will be used by Helicentro Peru to repair Mi-17 civil helicopters operated in the region, and by Russian Helicopters to overhaul Mi-17 aircraft of the Peruvian Air Force.

“The establishment of the maintenance and repair center for Russian helicopters in Peru is of strategic importance – it will enable to provide the full range of work without taking out fuselages from the country. Although the center has just started its operation, it has already orders until 2023 – nearly 40 helicopters have been planned for repair during the next five years. In addition, the advantageous geographical location of Peru and the enterprise’s production capacity would enable to accept orders from other countries of the region,” noted Andrey Boginsky, CEO of Russian Helicopters.

“Peru is the major importer of Russian-made aircraft in Latin America. This country is currently operating over 100 Russian helicopters,” said Viktor Kladov, Rostec’s Director for International Cooperation and Regional Policy. “We continue to create a unified system for managing the life cycle of our helicopters in Peru. The opening of the aircraft maintenance center is significantly enhancing our positions in Latin America that is a top-priority region for Rostec.”



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