Home 5 Military Industry 5 Rostec builds a proton therapy center for cancer treatment together with Czech partners

Rostec builds a proton therapy center for cancer treatment together with Czech partners

June 7, 2019

Press release

 Ruselectronics holding of Rostec State Corporation, National Medical Research Radiology Center (FSBI NMRRC) and the Czech company Proton Therapy Development s.r.o. will create a proton therapy center for cancer treatment in the Kaluga Oblast. The parties signed an agreement in the XXIII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF-2019).


According to the agreement, the proton therapy center will be built by 2024. Kontsern Vega of Ruselectronics was chosen as the project operator. Proton Therapy Development s.r.o. will act as co-investor.


The document was signed by Vyacheslav Mikheev, CEO of the Kontsern Vega, Andrey Karpin, CEO of FSBI NMRRC and the head of Proton Therapy Development s.r.o., Luděk Podola in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Health of the Czech Republic, Roman Prymula.


“Rostec is creating proton therapy centers with its partners to increase the availability of advanced cancer treatment methods in Russia. One of the world’s leading clinics in this area is located in Prague, so the experience of Czech colleagues is important for us. The proton therapy center in the Kaluga region will be equipped to the highest technological standards. Total investment in the project will amount to about 12 billion rubles (over $ 180 million)”, said the head of Rostec, Sergey Chemezov.


Proton therapy is one of the most effective modern methods of treating cancer, often allowing to completely avoid surgery. From 2020, this method will be included in the program of high-tech medical care covered by the Russian mandatory health insurance.


“Proton therapy represents the vanguard of modern nuclear medicine. The advantage of the technique is that protons release most of their energy exactly at the site of the tumor without damaging surrounding healthy tissue. This is the most effective treatment for many types of cancer, especially for children”, said the head of Proton Therapy Development s.r.o. Luděk Podola.


The creation of proton therapy centers for oncological diseases is one of the key tasks of Rostec in the implementation of the national project Healthcare. The corporation is building such centers in Moscow, Primorsky Krai, Novosibirsk and Obninsk.


«The implementation of the project to create a proton center together with Czech partners indicates high levels of partnership and trust between Rostec and our foreign colleagues. Our Czech partners have successful experience in opening a proton therapy center in Prague, which has been functioning for over 3 years and annually accepts up to 2500 patients. The new proton therapy center in the Kaluga region will be a complete analog of the Prague medical institution”, pointed out the Director for International Cooperation and Regional Policy of Rostec, Viktor Kladov. “This project will allow Russian manufacturers and engineering specialists to accumulate world-class experience in the field and apply it when implementing similar projects outside Russia.”



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