Home 5 Military Industry 5 Rostec developed mine roller for armored tractors

Rostec developed mine roller for armored tractors

January 11, 2019

Press release


Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, part of UralVagonZavod Group belonging to Rostec State Corporation, has developed a mine roller to be installed to the “ironclads” — models B10M2S and B12S of armored tractors. Tractors with a mine roller are more maneuverable than mine-clearing tanks and have a longer service life, which makes them optimal for humanitarian demining. The production of a prototype mine-clearing tank is scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2019.


Mine roller for “ironclads” is designed for clearance of anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. It is based on TMT-S clearing device, which has been reworked to make the construction more lightweight and equipped with a newly created special coupling. Mine-clearing tractors will be more economically profitable than mine-clearing tanks, as the tractors are considerably cheaper than the tanks. All necessary changes will be made in the design of the new machines to protect the crew from shrapnel in case of explosion.


“After a standstill, one of the primary objectives is humanitarian demining. It is required to ensure safety and clean the terrain and facilities from explosives. For these purposes, it is more efficient to use mine-clearing tractors, which are smaller, lighter and more maneuverable than mine-clearing tanks. In addition, due to a simpler design, the clearing device will be cheaper than the one of a tank, which opens up some export prospects, primarily in the African and Asian markets,” said the Industrial Director of Rostec State Corporation Sergey Abramov.


The new unit is a joint project of the designers of Special Dual-Purpose Equipment Development Center of Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant and Stankomash.


Rostec continues implementing an ambitious Weapons cluster development program in accordance with the approved Strategy, the main objectives of which are the revenue growth by an average of 17% in ruble equivalent by 2025, improvement of operating efficiency, and entering the world markets.


Rostec is a Russian State Corporation established in 2007 to promote the development,

production and export of high-tech industrial products designed for civil and military

applications. The Corporation comprises over 700 organizations that are currently part of

eleven holding companies operating in the military-industrial complex and three holding

companies working in civilian industry, as well as over 80 directly managed organizations.


Rostec’s portfolio includes well-known brands such as AVTOVAZ, KAMAZ, Kalashnikov

Concern, Russian Helicopters, VSMPO AVISMA, UralVagonZavod, etc. Rostec companies

are located in 60 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and supply products to more

than 100 countries. The consolidated revenue of Rostec in 2017 amounted to RUB 1 trillion

589 billion rubles, while the consolidated net income and EBITDA amounted to 121 and 305

billion rubles, correspondingly. In 2017 the average salary in the Corporation was 46.8

thousand rubles. According to Rostec’s strategy, the main objective of the Corporation is to

ensure that Russia has a technological advantage in highly competitive global markets.

Rostec’s key objectives include the introduction of a new techno-economic paradigm and

digitalization of Russian economy.





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