Home 5 Military Industry 5 Rostec develops components for Russian–Chinese CR929 aircraft  

Rostec develops components for Russian–Chinese CR929 aircraft  

November 9, 2018

Press release


Technodinamika (Rostec’s holding) has completed R&D to design the landing gear concept for the CR929 wide-body liner. Technodinamika’s specialists have also made a presentation for COMAC in Shanghai on the fire protection and crew oxygen supply systems engineered for the new aircraft.


CR929 is a wide-body long-range aircraft being jointly developed by China and Russia. The United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) is responsible for the project implementation on the Russian part, and the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) – on the Chinese part. In addition, several holding companies of Rostec supplying key components for the aircraft are also engaged in the joint project. These are the Radio-Electronic Technologies Concern, Technodinamika, United Engine Corporation, and RT-Chemcomposite.


Technodinamika has prepared the conceptual design of the landing gear for the CR929 wide-body aircraft within the agreement with UAC. The holding company’s specialists predesigned the parameters of the nose and main landing gear shock struts. The documentation package within the R&D has been provided for approval to UAC.


“The CR929 project is perhaps the key area of the cooperation between China and Russia in the civilian sector. In the nearest 20 years, the demand for such aircraft in the Chinese market and other Asia-Pacific countries will amount to hundreds of liners of that class. Like our Chinese partners, we expect long-term and mutually beneficially development in civilian aviation. And we are certainly carrying out joint work within a whole range of projects,” said Viktor Kladov, Rostec’s Director for International Cooperation and Regional Policy. “The development of the key aircraft components is bringing us closer to our strategic goal – to the first flight of the liner scheduled for 2025–2028.”


In addition, specialists of Technodinamika have demonstrated the fire protection and crew oxygen supply systems developed for the CR929 aircraft to the Chinese partners – COMAC.


The weight of the system presented by the holding company is 15% less as compared to western analogues. The stationary fire extinguishing systems have an extended service life – 30 years. Both portable and fixed fire extinguishers developed by Technodinamika use the so called “green agent”, which is in line with the Montreal Protocol requirements for fire suppression systems used in civilian aircraft. We have managed to reduce the weight of the system by installing dual-channel smoke/overheat detectors in the baggage and cargo compartments and using composite materials in production of the stationary fire extinguishers.

Describing the features of the crew oxygen supply system, the engineers have emphasized that its weight is 10% less versus western analogs. In addition, the service life of each oxygen cylinder and the oxygen supply block has been increased to 30 years. The individual mask being designed for the crew’s oxygen system will meet the requirements set by the ETSO-C89 and SAE AS8 026 international standards.


“The engagement of Technodinamika in engineering the systems and assemblies for the CR929 wide-fuselage liner together with leading world aircraft producers is the evidence of our competence in the industry,” stressed Igor Nasenkov, Technodinamika CEO. “This experience will help us enhance our position among producers of aircraft assemblies and will expand our sales market.”


In 2017, the China Russia Commercial Aircraft International Corporation (CRAIC) – the joint venture of UAC and COMAC – opened its office for the CR929 project in Shanghai. The joint venture is functioning as the operator of the program and is responsible for separating the duties, establishing relevant engineering centers in the countries and selecting contractors (developers, first and second level suppliers) from among the subsidiaries of Rostec, the Chinese party and foreign companies.



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