Home 5 Military Industry 5 Rostec to supply equipment to Tianwan NPP

Rostec to supply equipment to Tianwan NPP

Press release

January 23, 2019


The Ruselectronics Holding Company (part of Rostec State Corporation) has installed radiation-resistant equipment for refueling control at China’s Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant. The equipment was supplied as a part of construction of two new power units at the NPP. It is the first export supply of such equipment. Earlier on, Rostec already supplied its solutions to the Tianwan NPP, including automated workstations, industrial controllers and radiation control systems.


Special cameras make it possible to work at the distance of 30 cm from fuel assemblies with extremely high radiation indices (up to 1×107 rad/h) and considerable radiation dose accumulated during operation (up to 2×108 rad). Conventional equipment breaks down immediately under similar conditions. The supplied systems consist of a television camera with a guidance mechanism and an assembly joint installed in the radiation exposure zone and receiving-side equipment installed in the control room and not exposed to radiation.


Thermal imaging systems supplied to the Tianwan NPP and developed by JSC Rastr Research Institute for Industrial Television, a part of Ruselectronics Holding Company, were produced through cooperation between several Ruselectronics enterprises. At the same time, each of the system components is a unique process solution delivering the proper standards of equipment quality and reliability.


“China is our key partner in a very broad range of industries, including nuclear power,” said Viktor Kladov, Director for International Cooperation and Regional Policy at Rostec. “Installation of Russian systems at the strategic facility in China marks the highest level of trust in relations between our countries, as well as the confidence in Russian equipment.”


China is one of the main trade partners of Ruselectronics organizations. The holding company cooperates with the China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) in the field of radioelectronics, including joint development and production of multisystem high-precision navigation receivers (modules). Overall, Rostec and Chinese state corporations have signed 7 agreements covering various areas of cooperation in the field of civil and dual-use technologies.



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