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Tag Archives: Irak

International terrorism: the troubling game of Morocco In North Africa

What relation between the purchase of six hundred Tow anti tank missiles by Morocco, the exemplary cooperation of the kingdom after the Paris attacks and the fact that it is also one of the largest providers of daech recruits? These elements taken one by one may seem innocuous or, in the case of missiles, the sovereign right of that country ...

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what are Putin’s options in a decanting middle east?

 In the World poutine chess The ambush against Russian aviation conducted by the Turkish Aviation and Turkmen forces are the visible part of the iceberg. Shaking the plum tree, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, allowed a major settlement between players in the “great game” of the Middle East. Paris attacks helped the various parties to the conflict in Syria and Iraq to ...

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New Pictures of Iraqi Mi35

These two pics has been taken in a hangar belonging the Russian Helicopters plant in Rostov Na Dunu in Russia. The Iraqi flag can be seen clearly on these two pictures. The front picture shows the Flir (probably a Sagem) and the missile mounts togather with the S6 Rocket pod. The Blades seems metallic.In November 7 Iraq has recieved a ...

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SD3 Exclusive: First pictures of Iraqi night Havocs

Even tough the information regarding the fact that Iraqi air forces ordered a batch of Mi28 NE from Russia are known and confirmed, since the firsts hints in october 2012. These two pictures, taken in the Rostov on Don plant, shows the paint scheme chosen by the client and gives an outlook on some equipments on the chopper. So far 23 ...

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